Field Trial: Novice Stake for AV Spaniels

Group training

The club’s first spaniel stake for the 2016 season was held at Lower Blannicombe, near Honiton by kind permission of Nick Gregory and Becca Irwin with judges Dai Lloyd and Kevin John.

A glorious start to the day but we were all drenched in the last half hour.  The spaniels had to work to find game but almost all did so successfully.  Interestingly working a hedge proved testing for those dogs asked to do so – perhaps not all had had that experience.  But, it’s a feature of most Westcountry shooting days and a test that many will have to tackle during their working life.

Congratulations to all those in the awards which were as follows:

  1. Syncerus Solo of Creccamarsh (ESS Bitch) Richard Biggs
  2. Moelfamau Lilly (Cocker Bitch) Graham West
  3. Thistleford Eclipse (ESS Bitch) Nigel Price
  4. Aveegotun Morning Cloud (Cocker Bitch) Gary Holbrook

Guns’ Choice: Jackson’s Spangled Dazzler  (ESS Dog) Caroline Rawlings

You can find all the results from 2016 here: