Open Stake for AV Retrievers

Open Stake for AV Retrievers (held on 18th December 2019)

Open Retriever at Castle Hill

The competitors were welcomed to the Castle Hill Shoot by Headkeeper, Brian Mitchell who went on to organise a first class day for our Open Retriever Stake. The beat keepers and friends shot for the trial and joined in the spirit of the occasion by making sure we had sufficient birds on the ground. At the Viaduct Drive the last of the day, many of the birds were dropped in challenging areas where the competitors had to demonstrate their retriever’s full ability to complete their task.

Although the first round retrieves were on open ground, we were soon into more testing situations. At the Punch Bowl, the second drive, some of the retrieves were from dense bracken and bramble while many of the birds shot at the final drive were dropped across the River Bray. The river is not particularly wide but was fast flowing – interestingly all dogs crossed quite readily but not all responded quite as readily to their handlers commands once they were on the far side.

The judges for the day were Tim Shipp, Steve Ashby, Craig Perry and Keith Sandercock.

The day ended with the presentations and a delicious cooked meal back at the Shoot Lodge.

Awards :
1st   – Fendawood Harold  – David Latham
2nd – Hollowbrook Saker  – Nick Jordan
3rd  – FTCh Artistryn Ulrich – David Field

Certificates Of Merit :
Studebaker Corvette, Mary-Jane Opie
Hawksgarth Osprey of Tallamelie, Philip Dyson

Thanks go to :  Castle Hill Shoot, Brian and his team, the guns and of course our judges for the day.

All eyes on the fast flying pheasants.

Liz Taylor sends Tagabea Loganberry for a retrieve, while under the eye of judges 
Craig Perry and Steve Ashby.

The judges make their way back down a track after completing their task at the renowned
drive, the Punch ‘Bowl’.

The ‘point of fire’, as one of the guns takes a high bird through the trees at the Viaduct Drive.

David Field’s yellow Labrador, FTCh Artistryn Ulrich, contemplates the best crossing point 
before taking the plunge across the River Bray.

Successfully completed – he is about to climb up the bank and deliver the bird to hand.

The winners and judges (left to right) Philip Dyson, Tim Shipp, Mary-Jane Opie, Craig Perry, 
Nick Jordan, Steve Ashby, David Latham, Keith Sandercock and David Field.