Field Trial: Stake 5 Novice Stake for AV Retrievers

North Devon Working Gundog Club held our second Novice Trial of the season yesterday (16th November 2016) at the fantastic Hall Estate by kind permission of Mr Jeremy Boyd and his superb team headed by Mr Steve Snell. Mr Les Oldham, our host for the day supplied us with excellent guns and plenty of birds.
A very big thank you must be sent to our Judges, Mr Nick Coates, Mr Michael Brown, Mr Craig Perry and Miss Mell Brooks for taking the time to Judge our trial.
  1. Fendawood Fellar Rueben Mort
  2. Weststall Tolley Frank Fitheridge
  3. Golden Rustler Time Pai
Lubbecke Simone, Gillian Yates
Endacott Todd for Lovehayne Richard J Edwards
Saintcyres Cavendish Zoe Townsend

Guns Choice: Broadlaw Josh of Mosslana

Well done to all who competed and all in the Awards.
Thank you to Skinners for kindly sponsoring us.
Thank you also to all the Helpers who gave up their time to help on the day.

You can find all the results from 2016 here:

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