Working Test Results So Far…

1. Open AV Retriever Working Test on Sunday 1st April was unfortunately cancelled.


2. Sunday 13th May – Novice AV Retriever Working Test (incorporating Novice Dog/Novice Handler)

Venue – Mornacott Shoot (EX36 3QS) by kind permission of the land owner Andrew Blowers and Head Keeper Toby Penton.


  1. Withyrose Jorah (Shane Robinson)
  2. Haydonwood Mister Sanchez (Jeanne Burnett)
  3. Placebartons Red Lady Jane (Paul Passmore)
  4. Ticefield Thunder (Nigel Sheppard)

COM: Luvixolbeck Balis Tula (H. Hardman) & Percy Pine of Skyflight (Jo Fergie)

Judges: Margaret Allen, Judith Evans & Shane Padbury


3. Sunday 8th July – AV Retriever Working Test Puppy 9.30am prompt – Novice 12-12.30pm (incorporating young handler)

Venue – The Temple Shoot by kind permission of Jeremy Boyd and Daniel Hartford.

Novice Results:

  1. Mekoro Storm Surge of Wickmoor Lab Dog M.Cox
  2. Braybrook Wren Lab Bitch K.Wilton
  3. Davy Sunny Fetham Lab Dog M.Snell
  4. Molennesabine Lab Bitch B Dolman

COM: Movenne Tanner Lab Dog C.Nunneley & Percy Pine of Skyflight Lab Dog J.Fergie

Puppy Results:

  1. Kensteen Kanas Star Lab Dog R.Stacy
  2. Copper Birch Cabernetof Tallametie Lab Bitch P.Dyson
  3. Sky Flight Allthatjazz Lab Bitch J.Fergie
  4. Haddeo Digby GR Dog J.Evans

COM: Irwellspring Reflection Lab Bitch K.Burgess & Deerleap Europa at Larwaywest Lab Bitch H.Hardman

Young Handler’s Award: Tallulah Dyson

Judges: Nick Coates, Keith Dimmick, Roger Davis & Geraldine Davis.  

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