1. Open AV Retriever Working Test on Sunday 1st April was unfortunately cancelled.
2. Sunday 13th May – Novice AV Retriever Working Test (incorporating Novice Dog/Novice Handler)
Venue – Mornacott Shoot (EX36 3QS) by kind permission of the land owner Andrew Blowers and Head Keeper Toby Penton.
- Withyrose Jorah (Shane Robinson)
- Haydonwood Mister Sanchez (Jeanne Burnett)
- Placebartons Red Lady Jane (Paul Passmore)
- Ticefield Thunder (Nigel Sheppard)
COM: Luvixolbeck Balis Tula (H. Hardman) & Percy Pine of Skyflight (Jo Fergie)
Judges: Margaret Allen, Judith Evans & Shane Padbury
3. Sunday 8th July – AV Retriever Working Test Puppy 9.30am prompt – Novice 12-12.30pm (incorporating young handler)
Venue – The Temple Shoot by kind permission of Jeremy Boyd and Daniel Hartford.
Novice Results:
- Mekoro Storm Surge of Wickmoor Lab Dog M.Cox
- Braybrook Wren Lab Bitch K.Wilton
- Davy Sunny Fetham Lab Dog M.Snell
- Molennesabine Lab Bitch B Dolman
COM: Movenne Tanner Lab Dog C.Nunneley & Percy Pine of Skyflight Lab Dog J.Fergie
Puppy Results:
- Kensteen Kanas Star Lab Dog R.Stacy
- Copper Birch Cabernetof Tallametie Lab Bitch P.Dyson
- Sky Flight Allthatjazz Lab Bitch J.Fergie
- Haddeo Digby GR Dog J.Evans
COM: Irwellspring Reflection Lab Bitch K.Burgess & Deerleap Europa at Larwaywest Lab Bitch H.Hardman
Young Handler’s Award: Tallulah Dyson
Judges: Nick Coates, Keith Dimmick, Roger Davis & Geraldine Davis.